Friday, January 30, 2009

how to hack aplaystation portable.

  1. first you need a usb cord and a working umd drive that can read umd with no problem.
  2. now go to youtube and type in " how to make a magic memory stick"
  3. now after you found the video that you believe in you should follow there instructions very carefully.
  4. now you turn your psp off. then you take the memory card out and then put it back in.
  5. then you put the pandora battery in (you need to batterys just so that you can do it becuase if you dont you will be screwed)any way you put it in and it should cut on automaticly with the battery in it
  6. now a menu should pop up and it will say a lot of B.S read it if you want to to be the dumby out of the crowd.
  7. you press X and the screen will start it going crazy(thats becuase its hacking the psp)
  8. once its done it will say PRESS X TO SHUT DOWN PSP and you press X of coures.
  9. and there you have it you psp has now been hacked. so after that you put the other battery in and you will scroll to SETTING and go undersystem information and it should look like this 5.00 m33-6.
  10. thats it

Thursday, January 29, 2009

when bad things go good

This one time at my old school(3rd grade) i had missed about 2 to 3 days. I had a test that needed to be taken care of. so I had to go to summer school for it because i had missed the test. so i go to take the test and at the time i didn't know what the test was all about,so just guessed all the way and was nervous for the score. so i got the score back and it was a 100% and i ended up passing the whole semester.

Another time was when i was in fourth grade and i had to take the isat test and i was having this Major headaches all the time during the test. so i had a real bad headache and i couldn't finish and i ended up passing.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

the road to college

Ok first it all started with my junior year of high school.i had art and i thought that it was going to be boaring and stuff becuase i already sort of new how to draw, but not the way she had me drawing.(ms.willborn) she had us do stuff that i never did in my life of drawing, but i got around to it. later on in life i sort of got the hang of it. but a college came up to the school. i did think nothing of it but once the instructer said media i got focused and i ask do you have a class for drawing and video game creation or testing? and they repleyed with yes and i took it from there. now its my seinor year and im trying to get in the college so that i can do the do and make hella money.

Monday, January 5, 2009

break and new years

Ok first i went over my fathers house to chill out for the whole two weeks. then I was on the computer trying to make a pandora battery for my psp and i ended up f*#@ing up the battery so now i need a new one to do what i have to do.any way for new years i went to a hotel out in indiana and had fun with my little brothers and sisters.but i havent made a new years resolution, but i just came up with one its called dont fock up this year like you did the last one half way.thats my new years resolution